February is upon us and the smell of spring is in the air, although it may not feel like it if your garden is still suffering from a battering from storm Ciara. But storms aside, we have been blessed with a mild winter and the spring sunshine is just around the corner. You may already be seeing some of your perennials peeping through with a late winter bloom or early signs of spring. Any winter flowering shrubs that have finished flowering will need pruning now and ensure any fruit and vegetables crops are netted to keep off any hungry birds.
As the clear up starts, weeds will become more apparent so tackle these as you go along. Keep a look out for other developments in your garden. Be prepared to prune rose bushes as soon as buds begin to swell. Prune any trees or shrubs that have been damaged by the winter storms. Seeds can be sown or if you’re organised you could start to plan a sowing calendar to ensure your garden is in bloom throughout spring and into the summer. The end of the month is the perfect time to tend to tired yew or holly hedges in need of some TLC. Prune on one side of the hedge and leave the other to feed the re-growth, if you have to hack away at it. It will look terrible for a while before it comes back, but the clean start will be worth it in the end. It’s also a good time to gather your tools for a spring clean and wash winter weathered terracotta pots so windowsills can be transformed into mini greenhouses or to give the greenhouse some attention making way for spring storage. Winter citrus plants that have been kept indoors can now be pruned ready for its next venture. Pay some attention to your flower beds now and make a plan for the coming season. It’s also a good time to bring the outside in, make the most of any flowering trees or shrubs to provide a lovely display and fragrance within your home.
So how is your lawn coping? The relatively mild temperatures mean that grass rarely stops growing so it may be time to consider a trim. Ensure the lawn is free from any debris and that your mower blades are on the correct setting (usually its maximum at this time of year) and ideally mow when the grass is dry. Brush away worm casts where possible, although they won’t harm the grass or soil they can become troublesome and unsightly. An important point for winter mowing is to make sure that all trimmings are collected to prevent suffocation of the grass that causes brown or bare patches. Regular mowing can also help to prevent the spread of moss which can ruin grass by leaving it patchy and uneven. Pay attention to lawn edges to crisp up the appearance of the garden and save work later in the season. Turf can be laid it this time of year, providing the soil is not too wet (or frosty, but unlikely in the current climate). Avoid walking on fresh turf for a few weeks until it has had chance to allow new roots to establish.
Don’t want to tackle your treasured space on your own? Contact us and we will tailor make our service to suit your individual needs and get your garden looking how you remember it before the winter months. We provide both residential and business services to meet your needs. Check out our website to see more about our services on offer. Contact 07475 775 525 for a fast, free and friendly, no obligation quote.
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